楼上的两位说的都挺有道理,不过可能有些细节没有说到。 先说说我个人的经历吧(有点无聊)。我和L是同一届入学的,都是CS专业。大一大二两年在加州和德州的两个分校里混了两个学位之后申请大三的学分转移,转入了UCLA的CS本科。因为是大三转学生,所以需要满足大一和大二的全部学分的要求才能被录取。
当时我们的GPA都很低,而且我们都没有参加过任何社团活动或者科研项目,因此我们都被建议要“包装”自己的简历。而L比我更“执着”一些——他甚至在“包装”的时候动了一些手脚。 我记得是在2013年的5月份,我们在学校的图书馆里偶遇了。 “嗨!Ivy!” L向我打招呼。 “Oh hi, L. How are you?”“How am I doing with what exactly?” “Well...with your visa application. Isn’t it going to be tough for the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou to verify that all three years of high school have taken place at the same time?" "You know, Ivy, my parents and I didn't want any problems on this score: hence why they got a fake high-school diploma from an establishment called 'The School of High Achievement.’” He showed me his certificate, which was made out perfectly well although he had never set foot inside its campus or heard anyone talk about it except when discussing such fakes online. "What makes them think their fake documents will fool these guys anyway?They seem like real professionals." "That's what we thought too until last week, but then we received our visas! And now we can finally come over here to UCLA to finish up our studies, right?"