我是在美留学生,之前在达拉斯面签通过的。 说说我的经验吧。
其次,面签时只要诚实回答问题就好啦!因为我是学生身份所以准备的材料很简单,就是护照+I20表。 下面是我的面经哈~仅供参考哦:
1.请简要介绍一下你的学校(专业)?为什么选择来美国深造呢? 我说:我在北京的一个一本大学读的大学和专业,对金融很有兴趣所以就选择了这个专业的研究生, 并且我们学校的这个专业不是很强所以我打算来更好的学府来学习提高自己以后回国内就业也会更有竞争力. 其实这些是老师让我说的因为我之前已经背好了就照着念就好了。。。然后我就开始背之前准备好的英文,我说的是“my undergrad is at a four year university in beijing, majoring in finance which i’ve been interested for quite some time because the field isn’t as strong there, so it would make me more competitive both academically and professionally to study here” 然后他就让我讲一下如何决定来美国的。。。我就开始扯别的了orz I said: after graduating from college last june my plan was just stay back home and find part-time job but then on July when i received admission offer from USC my parents told me if you really want to do this go all out! So they encouraged me join F-1 visa program with them so we can have better life together!
2.你父母现在是什么工作啊? 这个问题比较简单我直接回答了中文。。。
3.你为什么选择去洛杉矶而不选择去纽约读书呢? 因为我的学校就在LA呀而且我比较喜欢这里生活也比较方便。。。其实我内心os 是纽约学费贵啊亲=_= 反正他也没让继续展开讲。。。 所以还是照念英文吧。。 4.那你会不会考虑回国发展呢? 这个我不确定会不会被问到。。。不过我还是准备了一下以防万一嘛。。 I said: Well first of all it depends how well im able to integrate into American society whether its possible to get high paying financial jobs or not that might determine my decision secondly since Im studying Finance Ill try to take CFA exam which is offered only by american institutions, thats why Im thinking about staying longer than 5 years which might also affect my decision later on. But my ultimate goal will continue be to come back China to work either way.
5.你有什么问题要问我们的吗? 额貌似问过了。。。那我随便扯一个把 Orz I said: Is there any chance your office can let us know the average processing time cause it has been almost one month already? Thank you very much!