2018年6月7日考的,前脚交完卷,后脚就收到邮件说成绩单正在制作,两天之后就可以在网上查到分数了。 就是下面这个邮件,当时还觉得不可思议,竟然如此神速,结果后来看到成绩单上的日期,才意识到是真的速度奇快——7月4日出成绩(官网的成绩单截图) 而一般国内大机构的成绩出来都要拖个一两周的样子吧…… 这直接导致了我想申请的学校来不及看我的雅思成绩就直接给我发了有条件录取通知书,而我正愁没有雅思成绩怎么办呢!然后就在我焦头烂额的时候,惊喜来了!!居然在3天后收到了来自雅思官方的补送成绩单!!(我是让学校邮寄给雅思官方的)
重点来了!!我在补送成绩单的邮件里看到这样一段话: We have been asked to inform you that your IELTS result has now become available in our results system and can be accessed by clicking on the link below. We understand how important your results are as you start the process of applying for a visa or further studies, so we have removed the normal 13-day waiting period. This means that you will receive an e-mail from us with instructions on how to access your results within two business days.
We appreciate this unusual step may create uncertainty for some candidates but given current circumstances we believe it is the most appropriate course of action. We hope this will make your life easier at this time. 大概意思是说因为疫情很多考生都在等待雅思出分,因此雅思官方决定特殊处理,提前提供成绩(虽然之前也有临时提分的情况出现,但一般都是考完马上就有分了,像这样等两天的实属罕见)。
于是,当我收到这封邮件时,刚好是出成绩后的第13天,也就是说,原本该13天之后才能出来的成绩,现在半个小时之内就出现在了我的邮箱里!! 赶紧打开网址输入ID号,哈哈,果然有分!!瞬间感觉幸运无比。