没有真正的商学院,但是有一个Faculty of Business 下面有四个department. 其中,Coop是cooperative的教育模式,需要学生花至少一学期的时间(一般是两个学期)去实际公司工作来积累实践经验;Honours is the regular program with more intensive class hours, and normally leads to a BA degree (at least in the case of UW).
The other two departments are Management Sciences (MS) and Economics (EC). MS focuses mainly on quantitative fields like operations research and data analytics while EC normally has a stronger focus on theory. All four departments participate in the coop program so that students can get practicum experience in their field of interest. 在这三个系中,选择Coop的学生最少——大概5-10%,因为这种教育方式需要学生同时兼顾课堂学习与实习,比较耗时且压力较大。
除了这三个系外,UW还有一个著名的MDiv in Accountancy(MAcc),是一个神学( theological )与会计(accounting)相结合的硕士项目,学制三年。这个项目要求学生在完成神学课程的同时修读会计必修学分以达到毕业要求,所以难度也是很大的。不过这个项目的优势在于其极强的实践性,能够为学生提供实务工作所需要的技能,因此就业前景也十分看好。