

Victoria 离温哥华并不太远,大概三小时的车程(走Horseshoe Bay 的船到 Swartz Bay),但感觉就是非常不同的两个城市~ Victoria 是个小海港,所以海边的风景很好看,而且天气很好的时候,天都是灰蓝色的海水也是深蓝色的,非常漂亮! 至于购物,Victoria其实不大,主要的一条街是Government Street. 从码头走到海边这一段都叫 Government Street, 以南的街叫 Douglas St., 以北的街叫 Fort St. 和 Broad St.(其实就一小段啦~Broad St. 在 Government Street 上就只有1个路口而已). 所以要逛街,就挑 Government Street 一带吧~~~

Government 这街有2个大型百货公司:Macy's 和 Simpsons ,还有几个小店和古董店,还有一些餐馆、咖啡馆什么的。。。不过要逛街的话,我觉得还是去 Vancouver 比较好啊~~因为 Victoria 小嘛,东西比较少,像什么化妆品啊,鞋子啊,衣服啊之类的,我在这边都没看到过有卖的,不过 Victoria 人少(当然也安静多了=D),空气也好,风景美,比较适合度假或短期休闲住一下。如果要在 Victoria 长期住下去,我想应该会无聊死… 我觉得 Victorians 的风格比较类似美国西岸那种休闲自在的风格,所以衣服之类的东西就比较简单大方而没什么特别的花样;相反地,我觉得在 Vancouver 买到的东西会比较多选择一点哦...


Victoria的商场一般,没有大型shopping mall. 主要都是一些精品店和小型超市/小商铺。不过也有outlet,就是折扣力度很大,但款式也一般了(虽然价格很诱人) Victoria的主要购物中心有:

1)Mall on Blanshard: 2nd largest in the city, has an underground parking garage for ease of access to the stores and restaurants. There is a very popular indoor market there as well with fresh produce sold daily from all across BC, as well as flowers and baked goods. (In fact it’s so big that this article was published because they opened up their doors early one morning!)

2)Parksville Mall 这个mall离city of Parksville比较远,所以开车比较好去。 Has a good selection of shops, restaurants, cinema, etc. I like going here because you can buy clothes and shoes too. (I think it'll be closed by next year though but keep that space free until it reopens).

3)The Westshore Shopping Centre, near Oak Bay 和Blanchard一样也是市区里面的,但是这里交通不是很方便... 4)Westshore Promenade 这个是另一个mall,在Langford那里,离市中心有点距离哦

5)Oak Bay Village 这地方真的蛮大的,是个高档点的区域,有很多名牌店,当然也有很多卖奢侈品的商店哟 6)Hastings Square 还有一处叫Hastings Square的地方,里面有很多餐厅,电影院等等~
