1. 英国: Royal College of Art(皇家艺术学院),Coventry University(考文垂大学),Universityof Southampton(南安普顿大学),Manchester Metropolitan University(曼彻斯特都市大学),University of East London(东伦敦大学)等
2. 美国: The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising(FIDM), Parsons School of Design, New York University Tisch School of the Arts (NYU), Southern Illinois University Carbondale, San Francisco State University等
3. 法国: Centre de Formation Professionnelle et Recherche (CFPR), ENS Paris, Chambre Syndicale, Istituto Marangoni等
4. 意大利: Politecnico di Milano, Accademia Brusellese, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti(NABA), Domus Academy等
5. 西班牙: Universidad Complutense, Barcelona School of Design etc.
6. 澳大利亚和新西兰: Victorian College of the Arts, Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology, Australian National University, RMIT University, University of Wollongong等
7. 瑞士: Zürich University of Applied Sciences, Schaffhausen College of Fine Arts等
8. 日本: Bunka Gakuen、Musashino Art University、Tama Art University、Nihon University等
9. 中国台湾地区: 国立台北艺术大学, 国立云林科技大學;
10. 新加坡: Nanyang Technological University, School of Design等等