“双选题”在雅思A类考试中的出现频率非常高,一般题目数量固定为5-6题。它考察的是考生在日常交流中对于问题的看法和选择能力 一般来说,正确应答“双选题”有如下几种形式:
1. 完全支持一方观点(同意/不同意) 例如:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:The easiest way to learn a language is by listening and repeating what you hear(你同意还是不同意下列说法:学习一门语言最简单的方式是通过听并重复你所听到的内容吗?)
2. 给出一个明确的答案(同意/不同意) 例如:In your opinion,is it better for students to study at school or university?你认为学生是应该在学校学还是在大学学更好?
3. 一方观点(同意/不同意)+原因 例如:Some people think that reading books in print is becoming out of date because more and more people are using electronic devices such as iPads,tablets and e-books to read.What is your opinion about this?有些人认为读印刷的书籍已经过时了,因为越来越多的人使用iPad、平板和电子图书阅读。对此你的意见是什么?
4. 另一方观点(同意/不同意)+原因 例如:You often hear people say'I could never do that!' or 'That's impossible!' in response to something you have said or done.Why is it impossible to do what you want to do?你会经常听到人们对你说‘我永远做不到’或者‘那是根本不可能的’来回应你说的话或做的事。为什么是你想做的那个是不可能的?
5. 给出两个选项 例如:When someone asks you a question like "Would you rather go to the cinema or to a concert?",how would you answer?如果有人问你“你是想去电影院还是去音乐会?”,你怎么回答呢?
6. 给出一个中间选项 例如:If you were asked,‘Should we spend more money on defence(防卫)or on education?'what would you say?如果你被问到‘我们应该花在防御上的钱更多还是在教育上更多的钱?’会说什么呢?