

Tier 1: General (points-based system) for highly skilled migrants. This visa is open to high value skilled workers and investors who have the necessary points, and also to entrepreneurs if they want to start a business in the UK. Tier 1 (General) allows you to live and work in the United Kingdom with no restrictions on earning income or being self employed.

Points are awarded according to age, qualification level obtained by your degree/masters etc as well as amount of money invested into the country by yourself or with funds from third party investors. Points can be accumulated quickly once requirements are met depending upon whether a person has the right qualifications, financial resources etc. The maximum number of points that can be gained is 950 out of which at least 750 needs to be attained before an application will be considered under this category. There may still be some places available on the scheme despite this cut off limit however these will only go to those whose applications satisfy all conditions fully. A full breakdown of each point system and associated criteria can be found here http://www.ukba.gov.uk/templates/dss3_documents/DOC_4632.PDF

Some key features include: - You do not need a job offer before coming to the UK; there are no restrictions placed upon where one can look for employment; you can apply up until six months after arrival into Britain without risking any penalties such as having to repay financial support received during that time frame;there isn’t even required evidence of having attempted work placement schemes although doing so would definitely strengthen your case against critics who claim foreigners take British jobs away through over population! All you actually require when applying is proof from previous employers regarding length of service along with salary earned within that period – both things most people already possess given their ability obtain legal residency status via other means regardless of skillset! Ultimately though what matters far more than anything else here really boils down


这个需要具体来分析的, 一般说来,学生签毕业之后想要留在英国的话有三种选择:

1.PSW(Post Study Work)毕业生工签----2014年7月开

始对本科以上毕业的国际学生开放;对于硕士和博士有三年有效期的限制,本科生有两年有效期;在申请PSW的时候需要注意一下:必须在毕业后6个月内提出申请;需要在毕业后30天内提交申请并支付费用;并且要在签证到期之前离开英国以免逾期! PSW目前只适用于欧盟以外的国家公民,而且必须是本科以上学历才有资格申请。

2.Tier 5 毕业生实习计划--- 在大学最后一年或者研究生期间申请的毕业生实习计划,该计划允许你实习六个月而不影响你的学生身份,但是必须是有雇主提供的,而且在申请时有职业规划和就业能力的证明!
