本人在14年7-9月在英国做了一年交流生,当时是办的Tier 4学生签证(就是题主所说的Study Visa)。 因为时间比较久远,现在政策如何我也不是很清楚了,所以只能根据我的经验来分享一些信息。如果题主还有其他的问题欢迎提出~
首先需要说明一下什么是Tier 4(General)Student。 这个Tier 4一般指的英国学生签证类别中的一种:学生一般类。 一般来说分为三种情况: General This type of visa is usually for students who are on a course which lasts between six months and two years. Most courses in the UK take this time to complete, but there may be exceptions depending upon your subject or university. Students who apply must have sufficient funds available to cover their course fees, living costs while studying in the UK and any return air fare they will need whilst on their course. They also need to prove that they can speak good enough English to study at a university or college in England, Scotland or Wales where lessons are given in this language.
General This kind of Tier 4 student visa is normally issued only to those who go on courses lasting less than six months. It's not possible to extend these visas beyond three months and you cannot work during that period either. The government decided against making such short studies into a separate immigration category because it was felt that people would abuse them by just coming over here to learn something quickly then leave. This is what happened with some of our previous visitors programmes and so now we have tighter rules about who gets a Short Study visa. Only individuals aged between 16 and 17 are able to get one of these visas, provided that their plans do not conflict with school holidays. Their courses should be no longer than five weeks long and could include anything from art classes to sports training. They must have a sponsor who meets strict requirements. In order to qualify as 'sponsors' universities, colleges, schools, some private language providers and approved employers must demonstrate that they employ people full time, offer a good standard of accommodation suitable for international students and pay national minimum wage rates. Universities and colleges will provide places for up to 50% of their